In Memoriam – Wayne Swanson

By Douglas Stockdale, portraits by Donna Cosentino •

I just received notice of the recent passing of Wayne Swanson (1951 – 2024) on Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 after a protracted illness. Wayne was a very talented photobook reviewer, a friend and a Contributing Editor of PhotoBook Journal (2019  – 2024), whose legacy with us includes 70 succinct and wonderfully written photographic book reviews.

I met Wayne when he was participating in my book workshop hosted by Medium Photo in San Diego. While everyone was providing a brief introductory biography to the group, my ears perked up when Wayne revealed that he had graduated in Journalism (Medill School) at Northwestern University and that his career had included writing for newspapers, magazines, book publishers, and corporate clients. Excellent writing skills and an interest in photographic books; Indeed! With some very subtle arm twisting and the potential to add to his photographic book library he joined our small group of volunteer book reviewers with PhotoBook Journal

It was only later over the years that I came to know of his underlying passion in photography and as well as his wicked sense of humor. Born and raised in the Chicago area, he really valued his Midwest sensibilities. After his journalism retirement, he became a fixture in the San Diego and greater Southern California photographic communities, include membership in the Snow Creek Collaborative in San Diego and Photographers Eye Collective in Escondido, CA.

Wayne had been physically challenged by stenosis his entire life, enduring multiple surgeries, yet he always retained his sense of quiet humor. Perhaps due to his journalism training, he was an astute observer of his urban environment that imparted a delightful dimension to his photographic art projects. In recent tributes for Wayne, I take note of and agree that Wayne was kind, dependable and a reliable man. 

On more than one occasion I had him provide me with word-smithing guidance on personal artist statements or PhotoBook Journal articles where I had become verbally ‘stuck’. He always seemed to have a more elegant alternative to my factual scientific wording. I believe his articles were well known and appreciated for his opening hook that literally pulled the reader into his inspiring book reviews.

We take for granted so much of what we see around us. I like to look at the familiar with fresh eyes, searching for the wonder in the ordinary. Then I find a means of presentation that suits my subject. That could mean single images, composites, grids, or 3-dimensional objects. The output could be digital prints, Polaroids, or image transfers. My interests range from shapes and forms, architecture, and landscapes to the highly personal. I’m drawn to imagery related to time, memory, atmosphere, a sense of place, and a subtle sense of humor.” — Wayne Swanson

His fine art photography has been included in juried exhibitions in Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Boston, Houston, Fort Collins, and more. He has been featured in publications including Shots Magazine, The Hand Magazine, Lenscratch, Rfotofolio, Aint-Bad, and Float, in addition to his many writing contributions to PhotoBook Journal.

We were fortunate to have Wayne as a part of our editorial team, his steadfast friendship and a wonderful individual who had a passion for journalism and the written word that dovetailed with his love of photography as a visual medium.


Wayne Swanson, born in Chicago IL and his passing is in San Diego CA (1951 – 2024)


Articles and photographs published in the PhotoBook Journal may not be reproduced without the permission of the PhotoBook Journal staff and the photographer(s). All images, texts, and designs are copyright of the authors and publishers.

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